Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best but expecting the worst Are you going to drop the bomb or not?...
- They're coming to get you, Barbara. - Stop it. They don't like being awakened this way. Why do you have to be so mean? I'm your older brother. Being mean is part of my job....
Working hard, Miranda? For sure, but I am already used to it! Miranda, we need to talk to you. Of course, what is it? We decided to spend our anniversary vacation in Hawaii We wanted to know if we can...
A maioria das pessoas que vem comprar em Nova York, às vezes querem comprar, eles muitas vezes, não estão se mudando pra Nova York, eles querem uma casa de férias, um second residence, um...
They're burying this girl tomorrow, and we've wasted half the day getting here. Dr Lawrence Jacoby, Agent Cooper. Laura was a patient of mine. Youpunks owe me ten grand. Leo needs a...
Royal Society. Royal Society. OK. Thank you. Anything in particular you're doing there tonight, or is it just...? I've got to attend some presentation of, you know the scientist,...
What are you reading, hottie? -- What did you call me? -- Hottie. -- Hottie my ass, Roberto. -- What? -- Who's hottie? -- You are! What's up with this hottie thing? You've...
Okay, I'll talk to her. Just a minute. Tobias! -- What's up! -- How are you? -- Good to see you, man! -- How are you? -- It's been so long! -- Your hair is looking good! Do you...



Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low...
The current economic crisis we live in is deeply rooted in another crisis, harder to overcome: a civilizational and a values crisis, fruit of an exhausted model. The constant search for unlimited...

