Hey Guys, John here with firstplacesupply.com here. I want to show you some of our Extreme Standing Mats. probably are more popular products that we sell and for good reason; it's a great...
Today I'm going to do a review of a rather unusual office chair. It comes from a company called Flash Furniture and is available from lots of online retailers including Amazon.com where I...
for part many p_c_ users experience been stiffness of the risks inherent after prolonged use of the keyboard and mouse other frequent hand exercises and massages can help alleviate this modern eman...
The ergobag is an ergonomic school backpack with many features. Books exercise books pencil case goodies and many odd items Yet it doesn't even feel heavy. The wide hip belt allows the ergobag...
Narrator: A friend of Steve's introduced him to Robbie. A kid suffering from cerebral palsy, riding around in a beat up wheelchair. Steve hopes he can help him out. Steve: Hows it going...
[ Music ] We're here today to talk about backpack use and how that can either beat up your back and your neck or how you can use your backpack to treat your back a little bit better. There are...
So you have a student in your class that needs and ergonomic chair. There should be a chair in the classroom and it may or may not be labeled "For DSS use only", but typically if...
Hello! Today I'm going to explore the role of posture and alignment in speaking and singing using ergonomic furniture. I'm speaking to Ning Yap of Crosscom. Ning, can you tell us more...
Welcome to Take 5 – a fact-filled segment of personnel-related information you need to know -- presented in five minutes or less, the Personnel Cabinet has produced Take 5 to further its vision of...
Hey everyone, I’m Vince White. I’m an employment attorney in New York State and I’m answering questions from avvo.com. This question just came through. “What are my ergonomic rights as an employee?”...

