It's still going on. But what we found out is that we can recover sleep/wake cycle very well from this, so we are now going to use that. And also what this study is doing is -we just use 7...
Data in substance abuse prevention planning is essential to any type of prevention planning methodology. In other words, you need data to inform your planning and strategic planning process, as well...
The SPF SIG that we've received in the CNMI, the Marianas, is we've funded a project under the prevention services unit and we call it Project Brabu. And what we mean by Project Brabu...



Thank you Eugene. Good morning, afternoon or evening, depending on where you are in the world with us today. Thank you for joining us on this webinar. There are a lot of slides to get through today,...
Warwick Anderson: Well, Larry, thanks again from me, too, for the invitation here. And I think hearing the different country approaches from big and small, from advanced, developing countries, has...
Professor: Good Morning. Why don't we get started. First of all I wanted to just say a brief word to follow up. I got a little feed back that perhaps my discussion of racial categories the...



Hello I’m Bob Folberg Founding Dean of the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine and Chief Academic Officer for Beaumont Health System. Welcome to Finding Hope, an important medical...
Voiceover: Back in 2011, I'm going to write it down here. Our worlds population was about 6.9 billion. That's a pretty large number and sometimes when I'm thinking of big...
The way we eat doesn't just affect our health it affects other people's health too hog production in north carolina is a good example since the mid twentieth century livestock...
The outbreak database was created to compliment a website put out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here is our Foodborne Illness Outbreak Database. All of these fields that you see,...