Sissy: One of the ultimate things you can do to recycle is to recycle an old house. Now why don't we just move this house and put it somewhere where it can stay for another hundred years; that...
قبعة جميلة أيها الأحمق أنت تبدو كالبطة لقد جعلت ألفريد يقرأ كتبك فقال لي أنها سيئة سأحطم خصياتك البريطانية حتى تتحطم وتنهرس لقد رأيت محققين أفضل منك يعملون في تانغو وكاش أيها الأحمق أنا أطرد أمثالك...
The Secret to Investing You Won't Learn at a Seminar, and it's Spelled A.B.E. A.B.E. is the secret to real estate investing becoming a full-time gig for you! It's not so much a...
Hi everyone. My name is Ann Scritsmier. And this is an overview of Epic Win Tuber by Travis Morgan. But first let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was a stay at home mom for many years. During...
SUBJECT 1: We had to attack the thing from all angles, man. SUBJECT 2: We basically start with a blank piece of paper. That's what it took to take the whole thing to the next level. SUBJECT 3:...
-So, that's why penguins can't wear jetpacks in July. Now, that explains it. (Dramatic music plays) (Dramatic music stops) -What do you wanna do now? -I don't know. What do you...

