We come again this morning to Paul’s epistle to the Romans chapter 13 where, once again, we will examine the issue of the urgency of all encompassing love. In a few minutes we will look at verses...
Peaks and valleys, peaks and valleys, peaks and valleys. In my college years, theology class. Couldn’t get enough of them. Every paper had a different opinion. Probably an overload of too much...



Hello I’m Michal and you are? I’m Philippe Nice to meet you. I’m Alyssa Alyssa, you have a very nice name! Thank you Thank you! Thank you And you? I’m Edna Hello Edna, Hello Philippe, Hello Alyssa....
Obviously, you don't believe Jesus is God, or that Jesus is the Son of God. But my question is, do you give him any kind of authority, or do you think that he is a prophet of God, or a...



Stop ignoring the reality that people like me exist, and people exist who want to change who haven't yet experienced change... Oh you so respectful and open-minded individuals. Instead of just...
...go ahead and get started here... We want to be blessed. Everyone says "we want the blessing". How many of us are willing to take the steps necessary for us to receive the...



The Christians say that salvation comes from accepting Jesus as your Saviour because he died for the people's sins. What I've heard is that Jews are the "chosen...



Hi everyone, welcome to 2011studies. My name is Marty Cattuzzo. We are looking at the year 2018. This new series is called "The Years of Possibility." I wanted to underscore that. We...
Jesus said it's not what goes into someones mouth that makes them unclean, But it's what comes out of their mouth that makes them unclean. I wanted to read out of God's word...



There is no favoritism with God. All those who are led by the Spirit of God, Are the sons and daughters of God... My friend, are you led by the Spirit of God or are you walking in the flesh? I want to...

