Hey, what's up? It's Andy with MyTechMethods. As you can see, I'm not watching anything on my full HD, 1080p screen. Why? Because it's not 4K and I want 4K. Well, what...
Yo yo everyone, wonkysplitdemon here. Just a quick video, this is kind of a trailer for my new series which is going to be focusing on older, old school retro games from the past. Like i'm...
Paul: Hi, I'm Paul Sage. I'm the Creative Director. Nick: I'm Nick Konkle. I'm the Lead Gameplay Designer. Chris: I'm Chris Strasz. I'm the Lead UX...
Greetings to all Gameworld.gr fans Today is the first Retro Gamers episode during which we'll deal with old and newer retro games It is the second programme of Gameworld.gr after GameManiacs...
Hi guys. My name is Kabalyero and you're watching The Kabalyero Show. I just want to give an update regarding this particular YouTube Channel of mine. A few days ago, I applied this channel...
In this segment, we're going to consider the core algorithm of raytracing, which includes shadows and reflections: first, shadows. I've drawn my usual diagram with the camera, the...



hello my name is danger and welcome to the game that i made on thursday i think that of the plane around a bit with the with the d_j_ um... and uh... if you've seen them other in uh... a few...



on Tuesday February 18th in honor of Black History Month the Cinema Arts Center will present The Flying Ace, a rare silent film from 1926. The Flying Ace features an all African-american cast and was...
Welcome to practicediary.music My name is Wolfgang Drescher, I study at the Dresden Unversity of Music Carl Maria von Weber and I am the programmer of practicediary.music. practicediary.music gives...



Hello everyone! If you're here watching this video its because you have a very specific error message that says "Your video card does not support alpha blending with floating point...