A system designed to protect individual liberty will have no punishments for any group and no privileges. Today, I think inner-city folks and minorities are punished unfairly in the war on drugs. For...



♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪music Should marijuana become legal in texas? Good evening everyone I'm linda lorelle, welcome to red white and blue. As of january 2014, colorado has officially become the first...
deathly hot man in indiana was sentenced to two days in jail after a judge found that she had diluted her drug test that means she drank a huge amount of water prior to taking the drug test so it...
GLORIA PENNER (Host): A year ago, KPBS brought you a special series called "Border Battle" about the war between two factions of Tijuana's Arellano Felix drug cartel to...
This is what cocaine can do to a house. This is what heroin can do to a face. This is what marijuana can do to a car. Drugs are a problem in America, Ruining lives, Taking some away. What do we do...
We need to talk about the war on drugs. It’s a 2.5 trillion dollar failure that has overcrowded our nation’s prisons with non-violent drug offenders. It has facilitated the deaths of up to 100,000...



PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore. And we're continuing our discussion with members of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. These are police...



In 2006 President George W Bush allocated nearly seven billion dollars to securing our borders. Customs and Border Protection has now become the largest law enforcement agency in the country....
blackout and first now i'll retire but failed that we've discussed that number of times on the show and trend that is i don't think it is the fall close enough except by the...