Music makes you dream What can you do if you are being bullied and they make your life miserable. Take matters into your hand, for you are the way you are use your musical talent. Because music makes...
The weed pass is discriminatory, because it excludes foreigners. The weed pass is criminalization, because the government is complicit in the commission of a crime. And therefore is legally untenable....
Hi, I'm looking for Chloe... But I suppose I could sit down here and talk to you. I like your trainers. I'm Cerrie by the way, Well it's quite funny because people ask me about...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1043{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs22 Jij bent net zo mooi als een engel, jij bent de vrouw...



When the city clouds are fading, the sticky heat will melt your skin and all your tempting lies. Everybody thinks I'm crazy, but I'm only on the run for one more soul to die. Oh, oh,...



We are Jaap... or eh... Jan, Jaap and Jaap and we'll go to the Eurovision Contest in Düsseldorf... ...for our national pride and for you. The 3js are Jan Dulles, Jaap Kwakman and Jaap de...



It surprised me, I have to say. I didn't thought the 3JS would do that. I don't know why they do it. I think the song contest is a little bit old-fashioned. It is outdated. The unknown...



Everything that’s new faces difficulties. Any innovation will run into obstacles... Due to vested interests. Innovations are disruptive. If you’re on the side of change, you have to fight. Winners...
The rain flows like tears down the window It is as if all heaven cried for you I feel so sad as the weather I miss you so, I miss you more and more I miss you so, I miss you more and more I see you in...

