The moon is just sitting there, waiting for us to go back. It has resources, opportunities for science and discovery, and Google's XPRIZE gives companies cash to get up there. Hey guys...
Bruce Lee says,"Love is like a friendship caught on fire" deep, burning, and unquenchable. Mom says,"Love is like water, we can fall in it, drown in it, but we can't...
They are female, or they are male. But sometimes the borders of gender move. They wear women's or men's clothing, They wear beards or are shaved. Some imitate femininity, others take...
Good evening friends, welcome to the DNews Netflix Screening Room, I'm Trace. This week I popped into Netflix on my iPad and Chomecasted to a TV at work to watch The Act of Killing, which is...
Here's a grisly fact: Britain's first serial killer wasn't Jack the Ripper, but a Victorian-era woman named Mary Ann Cotton who was hanged in 1873 for murdering three husbands...
A monkey just mind controlled another monkey, so basically we now live in a nightmare future where no monkey's actions can ever fully be trusted. [MUSIC] Anthony Carboni here for DNews and a...
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Hi guys. Welcome back to Haul Rox, I'm Alana. So this week, I'm going to do a fashion haul on job interview pieces. So stay tuned. [Music] I picked up this top from Oasis. It's...
While a lot of interview tips cover how to prepare for hard questions and how to present yourself to an interviewer when you talk, you also need to know how to appear in terms of dress and grooming....