( host ) Marijuana History 101. Or should I say extremely brief Marijuana History 101 ? It's big, complicated, and we'll only be able to scratch the surface, so let's get...
Liverpool – Back to the Roots of Harm Reduction 20 years ago health care providers in Liverpool started to experiment with innovative approaches to drug problems. They distributed sterile needles to...
During the last months Imperia Оnline team worked hard on the development of Version 6. Who are the people involved in this project? How many are they? Why are they doing it? What are they fighting...
- Hello, guys, look what I found here... - I found that CD case containing lot of ps1 games - Look at this, I found NickToons Racing - Check how in a good condition this disc is! - The game which I...



Nicolae Guta Unde se duc anii mei Anii mei , viata mea Am adunat toatã averea. Ce facem cu oamenii ãºtia ? Încã nu m-am gândit. Gândeºte-te repede. Dacã regele Azad Singh afla... ca jefuiþi averea...

