As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu Qur'an Weekly this is Sh. Abdul Nasir Jangda coming back to you again with Stories of the Prophets. Today we're going to be talking...
What you packing? .38. Hollow-point? Yeah. That'd do it. You never be too careful. All right. Remember, there was no physical evidence connecting Dora Lange to Ledoux's place out in...
One of the infidels wanted to know how to sacrifice an animal I think it was in Germany or somewhere His wife said, you don’t know anything about that That is the work of Muslims You will end up...
Cenk Uygur: I'm always curious, like, if you remember if there was an inflection point for you like where you were struggling you're doing your best then there was a point where it...
Subtitle: It squeaks. You have a gun. I'm just robbing the place, you know? Is that still your intention? - No, it isn't. - Well then, I suppose the polite thing to do...
Hey guys, we just finished Sifu Maurice Master Arnett we just finished a little three part video mini series for you guys. It's based on three types of fighters the Hawk the Snake and the Rat...
For those who don’t know, KaZantip inherited its name from a cape where it was born in 1993. To tell the truth, at that time I was too lazy to invent some proper name for the project, so we began to...
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