If you think using interrupts on your Arduino is too difficult then think again. In this video I'm going to show you how easy it can be to use interrupt service routines. Find full details of...
Hi Thom here with the Salomon BBR 10. I give this a 3 out of 5. It add metal vs. the little brother and is a little bit wider as well. I think that metal actually kind of detracts from what the...
here come the Koch brothers again and again and again and again so they've already spent tens of millions of dollars a fighting against democratic senators who are up for reelection saying i...
James only both was recently convicted for are real estate scam he stole up to three million dollars and as a result a judge sentenced him to five years behind bars and also ordered that he needed to...
oftentimes we talk about fundamentalists in the country that are trying to dictate our lives based on their own morality but the vast majority religious people in the country are actually really...
2, ... 3, Lets go Frankfurt, are you ready? And 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, Cast off the crutch that kills the pain, The red flag waving never meant the same, The kids of tomorrow don't need today,...
The hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid. You're worth more than many sparrows. So don't be afraid. The hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't...
Don’t. Fear. Death. I mean, why should you? For a start, everyone’s doing it these days. Old people... Young people... Animals... Hell, even travel agents are doing it. And they’re normally the last...
The Definition Debate Far too long has the God debate on youtube been stalled in the semantic miasma that is the definition process for the word atheist. Endless videos have been posted back and forth...