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If a doctor intentionally causes you harm in New York, did you know that his insurance company will likely not provide coverage? Do you want to know why? Come join me as I share with you this great...
Just because you're injured because of carelessness does that mean I'm automatically going to take your case? Would you like to learn the answer? Come join me as I share with you this...
I'm often asked the question do I have to treat with the company doctor like my employer told me? I always say that's one of the biggest lies in Workers' Compensation....
Hello, my name is Dr. Janet Stoess-Allen and I am a premier preferred provider of Invisalign here in New York City. And I have an incredibly great case that I want to share with you today. SO if you...
The cardiologist swore under oath that the EKG reading was absolutely normal -- except that it wasn't. Would you like to learn the answer? Come join me as I share with you this remarkable...
Hi my name is Dr. Janet Stoess-Allen at Park Avenue Orthodontics here in New York City and I want to share something with you today that we have introduced into our office that is very exciting and...
We know that not every procedure that winds up with a complication is evidence of malpractice. But let me jump back to the judgment call. How can we possibly overcome and defeat this incredible...
Anthony: Hi, this is Anthony, the Chief of Staff at the Appliance Doctor. People would like to know what is the history of the Appliance Doctor. Well, when I was 17 years old, I graduated Saunders...
A man bleeds to death while taking medication prescribed to him by his primary care doctor. Would you like to learn what this is about? Come join me as I share with you this remarkable story. Hi....