Olá amigos internaltas, nossos amigos das redes sociais! É um prazer muito grande estar falando com vocês! Eu sou o Pastor Adriano Regis, pastor aqui na Igreja ADN na cidade do Gama - Assembléia de...



Witam, nazywam się Markus Jahnel, jestem dyrektorem generalnym w firmie Adam Hall. Adam Hall jest właścicielem marek LD Systems i Palmer oraz dystrybutorem produktów Audac i wielu innych marek. Na...



Hi. It's Mr. Andersen and in this podcast I'm going to talk about the Meselson-Stahl Experiment. And so after Watson and Crick came up with the shape of DNA, this characteristic double...



Stated Clearly presents: what is DNA and how does it work DNA also known as deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule it's a bunch of atoms stuck together In the case of DNA, these adoms combined to...
Está en su A-A-ADN está en su ADN, está en su ADN, está en su ADN A-A-A-ADN está en su ADN, está en su ADN, está en su ADN A-A-A-ADN se trata sobre sus besos, contaminan mis labios Nuestra energia se...



[Intro Music] [Applause] What I am going to show you are the astonishing molecular machines that create the living fabric of your body. Now, molecules are really, really tiny, and by tiny I mean...
[MUSIC] >>MARTIN HILL: Because we have such a short amount of time to tell this story of the DNA getting infected, breaking apart, and then reforming, and recombining to show earth DNA, we have...