Ich dachte, so würd's kommen Es kam anders Ich blieb hängen auf den Straßen Europas Er war irgendwann mal da, er kam irgendwie dazu Ich weiß noch, als er sagte kurz vor Portbou: "Sorry for my...



I guess I don't want to look in your face without considering it as fast-fading And always when I get used to such a face I believe to know what it looks like when it's dying I can't wait to get grey...
(function() {var opts = {artist: "Ja,_Panik",song: "Surrender",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999))};document.write('');var...
(function() {var opts = {artist: "Ja,_Panik",song: "DMD KIU LIDT",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...



(function() {var opts = {artist: "Ja,_Panik",song: "Mr. Jones & Norma Desmond",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...