Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shores. Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the...
The Fragrant Concubine is a figure in Chinese legend who was taken as a consort by the Qianlong Emperor during the 18th century. The story became popular in the early 20th century and has since been...
Hello, I'm the director of Gumok, Jo Cho. I don't have a dramatic reason for choosing this theme. I just wanted to tell a story of women. I am a woman myself, and I have a great...
"Death with honour is better than life with dishonour" You? You? You ? You ? You ? ¡¡ Beloved Idol !! ¡¡ Adored.. Adored... being !! Fairest flower of beauty ¡¡¡ Though you never...
- Tomorow, I'll have a transcendental experience. - A what? - transcendental - What? - An experience that will transcend me. An experience out of the ordinary. - Where do you buy a...
[GRUNTING] MAIN TITLE REPORTER [ON RADIO]: You're listening to 106.3 New York News. This record drought is showing its face. UMBRELLAS The governor has asked residents to stop using water for...
Andre,s energy is infectious. he brings joy to the music. There was a lead conection at the okastra [inaudible] >> I just love his youthful energy. he brings music alive for the...
Everyone forced me to contest.. ..I did, won the elections and have become a minister. Other than that, I don't know much. I want to do something! I would know only from counsel of IAS...
When the Mapocho river was total infected With unnameable drains and excrements bulk Even the most exclusive street turned brown color And the mud zombies that really are pure shit came to a big party...
Europa Film presents The Baby Carriage A film by Bo Widerberg Cinematography Music Sound Editing Going to the park again? No, I'm just waking by myself. I always walk by myself. Not now. What...