Querência, Mato Grosso I am still learning Portuguese every day. Sometimes I avoid certain questions. For example, when people ask where I am from and I say from Sao Paulo, from Parana, they ask:...



HOW TO OPEN AN EXTERNAL HD SAMSUNG <i>We are here to make a video</i> <i>teaching you to open</i> <i>an compact HD, or...



Politicians are good at making promisses. Strong and reliable protections for our consumers. Our nation has made a promise to America's seniors. But don't the central planners see the...
I have the picture here, I'll send it to you. Well, everybody, I called you here because things have gotten to a level that we'll have to do something about it, and I think that...
The next game is "Quick Change". Daniel, Elidio and Gustavo. Every time I say 'change', they will have to change the last thing they said or done. And if I say...



Women dieting - While both males and women wrestle with weight loss, many women find it more durable to lose weight than males do because women naturally have greater fat levels than men. Women have...
Alice! Would you bring me some pancakes and some cheese breads, please? And a Trimexazol? For my allergies. Shall we start? I was checking the company's finances, and I thought we should fire...

