En los lejanos incendios Donde las colinas siempre arden A los pies de nuestros heroes Nos esforzamos para aprender Pero la leccion no se pierde En el humo y en el barro Nosotros somos una sola carne,...



[Jay:] Ugh. This meat popsicle smells like wookie snatch. Smell it. [Hamilton:] Dude. No. [Computer:] Transport Ship OGC1. Pickup requested. General space dictator has been indicted for war crimes. He...



Journalism and Social Communication School - La Plata National University In La Plata, a bunch of pretty peculiar conditions comes together. There's a lot going on, a big cultural scene....
Un hombre también llora Mi niña, morena También desea un regazo Palabras amenas... Necesita cariño Necesita ternura Necesita un abrazo De mucho candor... Guerreros son personas Tan fuertes, tan...



♪ >> El abuso, fue horrendo; fue tortura. Nunca pensé que un ser humano podría pasar por lo que yo pase y permanecer vivo. >> Para esta mujer a quien llamaremos Sara, el...



"This is America". An exhibition of that name is visited by tens of thousands of people in Warsaw. In the shadow of the Statue of Liberty - - creeps a police baton. In the Land of...
The production of this film became possible due to the pluralism and intellectual freedom existing on Chile Democratic diversity that allows the diffusion of various historic interpretations deriving...
The first time I heard about objectivity to tell a story was from my school teacher. My favorite classes were my history classes He said that objectivity did not exist, because those who tell the...
Also this video is because now the government of Venezuela has issued an arrest warrant against me, to be detained by the security forces of the state unjustly detained, simply for dreaming of a...