[Biro] We are in the last hours of the day one of recording. [Cez] It's three in the morning, all day recording and we haven't slept yet. [Biro] Last comments? [Cez] We're...
Subtitles By Sub-VidzClipz https://www.sub-vidzclipz.com/ Sometimes I get a good feeling I get a feeling that I never had before, No, no I just got to tell you right now that I believe, I really do...
Best Friends girls - are diamonds and motherfuckers, ambitions and demands to know the chosen one is better soon, especially if it's future wife, or fiancee, examine its rider, because the...
M'n eerste ochtend in LA by TravelPod member tourontour Ken's huis m'n 1e couchsurfing ervaring by TravelPod member tourontour Ken's huis m'n 1e couchsurfing...
Hi, this is Rishabh Jain on behalf of Expert Village. In this clip I will show you how to know the Carat of a diamond. Now, what is Carat of a diamond? It is the weight of a diamond. The weight of a...
everybody walker le complexe with this guy should have girls a Alonso is the found the snacks everybody knows I'm the Sun Chips got hit with a thud I I Hannah finding the has realization that...
I'm Roy Fox and I'm 42 years old. I'm the third generation from my family to enter the diamond trade. As opposed to the rest of my family, I chose to go into the manufacturing...
When did you come to this strange country? When I was 13. You were only a child. I stopped being a child when I was nine. My mother made sure of that. You've been a good influence on our...
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MUSIC - CHRISTINA AGUILERA, "EXPRESS"] MELANIE LEWIS: To perform, I really loved "Express." It just was like the sexy, sassy-- and that transition from the mirror...