So being diagnosed with colon cancer, it's a pretty scary time for most patients. There is a lot of misinformation out there and there is just a whole lot of information out there and most of...
So, we are living in an incredible exciting time because with developing of new technologies to test the molecular and genetic makeup of tumors has advanced and overrode and overwhelmed us with a lot...
[ Birds singing ] >> When I had my second recurrence, I asked my oncologist for prognosis information. It was about 50/50, it was my outlook. And this was a little bit hard for me to...
Dr. Mark F. Kozloff: Once the diagnosis of colon cancer is made, one does clinical staging and what should do besides the colonoscopy, you have the CAT scan with physical exam, blood test, and then,...
David Dubin: I am David Dubin, two time colon cancer survivor, founder of Alive and Kickn and advocate and here are some stigmas that I wish would just go away. There are a lot of stigmas associated...



Where can you find the official assignment due dates for this class? I can find my official due dates on the right side of the RioLearn course page.  When are assignments due each week in this class?...



Cervical cancer is diagnosed usually in a gynecologist office and the usual course of events where cervical cancer is diagnosed, it is usually picked up on a screen Pap smear which shows an...
It is absolutely important for newly diagnosed colon cancer patients to make sure they have access to the best clinical information and the best centers available. I think in the United States, we are...
Advice that I would give anybody for any cancer is find that oncologist and that doctor that you can trust, that you like, that you can ask questions, that are not belittling or berating, I have seen...



Dr. Lieu: Patients that are diagnosed with early stage colorectal cancer typically have an excellent chance for a long term remission or what we would call a cure from colorectal cancer. Patients that...