sometimes people like some songs and do not like others I just love whatever we do we love it I want to show you something today Deuteronomy 6:20 why do we do the things we do why do we love Sunday we...
Welcome – We’re glad to have you on board. We’re excited about the work God is going to do in you during this Study, connecting you to His Word. This Study exists for anyone who wants to become more...
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If you have a friend to help, it takes between five and ten minutes to roll a Torah scroll back from the end to the beginning. That's a lot longer than it takes to click from episode Vezot...
The General Epistle of Jude 1:1 Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called: 1:2 Mercy unto you,...
one is a problem who are you looking at me like that are you a homosexual onions i'm very proud to be homosexual this is your warning homosexuality is an abomination to god shot up i'm...
I come to let you know , whatever you would like to receive from God you need to declare and decree it. But first and foremost you need to believe it. The word of God says make your requests known on...
A week and a half ago, on Wednesday, April 17, before going to bed, Mark and I noted that someone had posted on Facebook a picture of a fire in the town of West, a town of just 2,800 people 18 miles...
There are many holy days mentioned in the bible. When one looks at their names the meaning is evident. Allow me to display a few. Number 1 is Passover. Exodus 12:27 reads: Number 2 is the Festival of...
Heaven and Earth destroyed Many christians teach that the Law has been done away with, or is somehow not relevant to us today. But is this really true? What does the Bible say us about this?  What...