Mike, you made a very strong starting point about estuaries being the kind of crucible of the industrial revolution and a test bed for where next; could you just say something about that? Yes, I think...
My name is Marketta, and I’m CEO of Go ON UK. Go ON UK is a charity and our aim is to make the UK the most digitally capable nation in the world. Core to our belief is a belief in digital by default....



Time and time again the people that use social care services and health services tell us how fed up they are with having to tell their story to a social worker one day, community nurse the next day....
My name is Okanda Ogbonda, I'm a third year biomedical science student at the University of Southampton. Last summer I was part of an international research team investigating how hypertension...
Over the next 20 years, the number of over 85s in the UK will more than double, meaning many more of us with multiple, long-term health conditions. Our current health and social care system...
Dementia with Lewy bodies affects around 4% of people with dementia. It is closely related to both Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Lewy bodies are tiny, spherical deposits...
Direct Care Workers play a vital role in our health and long-term care systems. They improve the quality of life for the people in their care. They build relationships. They make a big difference...
There are a number of rarer diseases and syndromes that cause dementia. People with Down's Syndrome are particularly at risk of developing dementia, and they are particularly likely to develop...
Fronto-temporal dementia covers a range of conditions that affect the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. These areas control behaviour, emotional responses and language. This means that people...
Bob: I'm just frustrated I think is the main word because there are things, things that I know and I know I know but then when it, when it come to the crunch I forget them. Jo: We've...