This vase is one of the most important American pieces in our collection because it is the earliest documented piece of multi-layered glass. It has four layers, colorless, green, white and ruby and...
Hi, I'm Ashley with our Tissue Paper Poms. Now this item comes in either 12 or 16 inches and is available in 10 great colors to match your wedding color theme. The kits comes with 4 scallop...
bjbjU Stop 162 Family tour Cup with Gladiators Technique Final Bill: If you ve ever made something using Play-doh in a Play-doh mold, you kind of have a feel for how this gladiator cup was made. The...
bjbj This sculpture is called West Sky and it is by the Italian artist Alessandro De Santillana. The artist comes from a very well known glassmaking family; the Venini family, who founded an important...
So you can just go and just get up in there. Get rid of any of those tapered edges there. So that's going to be our bottom but we're going to put, we're going to put a border...
PrĂªmio Melhor Miniempresa JA Brazil RS Best Company Competition Best Company Marista Ipanema High School 2010 Junior Achievement RS Brazil Company President Gabi Dani Flor Production Director...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1 \deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose...
TO BE READ ALOUD IN THE HOT TUB My Fellow Bird Dogs, It has been brought to my attention that my behavior at the 2012 Colorado Bird Dog Convention may be cause for my lack of invitation in 2013 and...
Think for a minute, is your sugar manufacturing process the best it can be? Do you ever wonder if you could be getting more yield out of your equipment Maybe you're not even aware that losses...



Hi, I'm Taylor. And I'm Ashley. And this is our Signature Guest Book Frame. It makes a great alternative to the traditional guest book, and your guests sign directly on the metal mat....