Although we now know a lot about light, there are still some mysteriesas to how it is truly structured and functions In this installment of the Primer Fields, we will reveal the true structure of...
Fibration...continued. Let's come back to the 2-dimensional sphere and its parallels. Above each point of the 2-dimensional sphere, we should imagine a Hopf circle. Look at what's...
Dimension 2 My name is Hipparchus I lived in the second century before the birth of Christ, and I don't think I'd be bragging if I told you that I am the father of the sciences of...
Petro: Well, studying the effects of the moon on Earth is incredibly interesting. Most scientists agree that the moon has played a pivotal role in both the evolution of life on Earth and the evolution...
Hello and welcome to the On Location special here on Prozis TV with me Rob Riches You know over the past few years it seems like there is a new coffee house popping up down your local street every...
Hello, and welcome again to African Elements. In this episode, African American Frontiers (Part 2): Africans in the Spanish and English territories of the Americas. How was life on the frontier...
Federal agency for culture and cinematography Pilot animation studio in association with the "Aeroplan" company present We live in Russia. Our flag is white, blue and red. Our...
The north pole is the top of the earth, and the south pole is the bottom, of course... except that the earth is kind of a ball, and they don't really have tops and bottoms. Granted, the earth...