welcome to where a we r total video yet today we only acting feel a doc thing with your cart honey cupcakes HD enemy let's talk in PDX I'm not making fun of anyone I at guide yeah I...



The sinking night is the opening track on the record and it is actually a fragment, a greater work. There was probably like 45 minutes is this really epic track so when we started kicking around the...



. My name is Moyra Davey, and I'm an artist. I make photographs and videos, and I also write. So, these are two pieces. They're mail art, essentially. They're photographs that...



Davey: I think there's there's there's merit to kind of, merit to labouring on, on something and I think we live, we live in a great day in age where we, where we're...
01) Halfway up the moraine by TravelPod member nadine 02) Pretty flower by TravelPod member nadine 03) Looking back towards plains by TravelPod member nadine 04) On the ridgeline by TravelPod member...
Well, she loved the rain more than just about anything at all The way it washed her clean The way it cooled everything off She used to run around in it like a wild child Getting soaked to her bare...



Here im going to catapult in 100k pebbles and twigs twice until the laser at the bottom is destroyed I do the same again until the laser at the top is dead.. Now its time to throw in around 15 to 20...



Hello, and welcome to episode 2 of ValveTime TalkTime. We're back due to popular demand, as they say. That is a total lie... No, we got some very good comments from the last video. People said...



Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah First, we thought that Babs was so really, really sweet A new friend to have and it seemed like such a treat But then, we found the truth; she's...



I've just paid £4.80 for this single to central London from my constituency here in Kingston. It's a journey of just 12 miles. Last year it was only £3.60 That's a rise of...