{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\f0\fs20 Artist: Fat Boy Rhymer\par Title: I Salute\par...
Subscribe now timeless aggressive behavior timeless i must meet everyday lasting peace progress in the soundness placemats to you everyday u_s_ anytime sam daniel would be economist uwe truck and i...
Yea, it's Corny Different little feel on a weed song Get my phone and jot a verse while I got a beat on Tryna keep my feet on the ground meanwhile I'm tryna put me on From spitting out...
(chorus) these niggas want me dead and gone talking threw ouijas,ouijas, connect me holmes, i swear im taking over im hot this is easy,easy connect me holmes, decatur ave in the x nigga thats where im...
(chorus) these niggas want me dead and gone talking threw ouijas,ouijas, connect me holmes, i swear im taking over im hot this is easy,easy connect me holmes, decatur ave in the x nigga thats where im...
[Verse 1: J.S.W.] Black King Black Queen Black Bosses White on Black snap back My snap back got my name on it Got my name on my head right there where it's supposed to be You got my name in...
ntro raise your glasses if you make advances every day live that life you speak about and make your mark from state to state every day my birthday cause this music shit a piece of cake 808s my...



I am on my grind like i'm bout to die like I ain't got no time like im 25 and that's 2 years above my age so yesterday was a decade I'm living life likes it's...
When I look in yo eyes I can tell what type of person you are Cause yo eyes the closest thing to yo soul You aint gotta fake, you can just be you When you look this way, girl I can see the truth By...