by francis_davis08 I speak my mom and I don't care Express myself with the devil's dare I tell you, 'cause I'm no angel Play with me - You play with fire Cause I should...
<knocks on door> You're drunk, John Hawthorne. What be you after? Alice is to marry that fool, Silas Hargrove. Work your magic upon her. Make her love me! There's nothing...
Hello once again. This is Mike from Sketch Maven with our weekly video highlighting original comic art uploaded to the site. This week, we have something special for you this is a great chance to pick...
The devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind 'cos he was way behind and he was willin' to make a deal. When he came across this young man...
Daredevil Thomas Havel took in this vertigo-inducing view while sat on a ledge 2,300ft in the air. Thomas, from the Czech Republic, climbed for five hours to take in the breath-taking views from...



Well, you've gotta have some guts to do that! Yeah, these daredevils in Spain have attempted to walk between two hot air balloons 10,000 feet up in the air. Tres, dos, u... Pronto! The extreme...
What is this Dudu? the car jumps here Daddy bought this for you It is a hot wheels track a car there let's see where to put it, ok? a street a street there a street there a street there build...



Stomach churning stunts off the coast of Cornwall, as the severe weather which is keeping most people indoors saw some of the world's best windsurfers take to the waves. Competing in the final...
Hi, this is Mike Lopez with Expert Village, and today we're going to be discussing the red Magic color. Here we have Stinkdrinker Daredevil, which is kind of an interesting name for a...