I chose Fisher originally for Pharmacy but I switched over to education French is something I am passionate about and Education just fitted everything I believe in At Fisher, I’ve been a part of...
The NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope has discovered an extra-solar planet for the first time using direct visible light imaging. The strange world is far-flung from its parent star, is surrounded by...
[0:00:00] So recently, this person Laura Betterly from laurabetterly.com -- She runs a great blog by the way. I suggest you check it out -- but recently, Laura was telling me about how she is instead...
everybody I have a quick video that I wanted to do. on a very topic at a lot of people do not like to hear about and this topic is called online dating anyways everybody s probably heard or have seen...
Hello YOUTUBE!!! I'm Romy and this is my first video! (some arm flapping) In my videos I will be just be speaking in GAELIC... There won't be any english at all (except for when I...
[ Music ] [ Silence ] >> So we're going to do a paired comparison analysis now. And our client, again, it's a single client. And the focus for this client is...
[ Music ] [ Background Music ] >> Are you having second thoughts about your major? Or maybe you haven't chosen one yet. Not sure what job you're headed for after...



we had the which not take a close look at least forty in a shop TV is the and the hate twenty one Martin and in make healthy the model the when we first saw this child was very keen to sue all to us...
Our reason for existing is to take NASA content and use the motivation that it brings to the public and the interest in space in order to motivate people to want to learn the science. Basically we are...
[hip-hop music] Captioning and audio description provided by the U.S. Department of Education. (Mike) FROM NICKELODEON STUDIOS IN ORLANDO, FLORIDA, IT'S GUTS, THE ACTION SPORTS SHOW...