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(Never come back, not now.) (Oh, I've got the TARDIS, same old life, last of the Timelords.) (They died, took it all with them.) Tell me the exact date. (The walls of reality closed, they were...
Danger! This is a warning. A warning to the whole world. You're looking for wi-fi. Sometimes you see something... a bit like this. Don't click it. Do not click it. Once you've...
I could be a curator. I'd be GREAT at curating — I'd be ... The Great Curator! I could retire and do that ... I could retire and be the curator of this place ... < You know I...
MAN: "But who is this creature with terrible claws, "and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws?" Go on, your bit. "He, he has..." Go on! I can't do...
(SCREAMING) DOCTOR: It is. It's you two. We could say hi to future us. Get away! Amy, no! No! (LOW GROWL) (SCREAMING) Her name's Alaya. She's one of their warriors. One of you...
(DOCTOR WHO THEME) (DISTANT ROARING) (GROWLING) (SIGNAL BEEPING) -You're sure this is where he's making for? -Pretty sure. He wanted to see the exact place where the accident happened....



Have you heard about the new Google+? It is very much superior to Facebook. I don't care about Google+. I love Facebook. I will always love Facebook. Why do you love Facebook? They invade your...



So were around about 15 issues in but what about the future of the collection? Well we already know that Eaglemoss the make it have already planned around 80 issues and 80 figurines so there's...