got a diary from Typo I really love Typo... then from Daiso small origami paper notepad, the designs are good for writing :) lastly a notebook I like my notebooks to have plain paper Then from Artbox...
Hi, everyone! This is Yui here. Today I will be doing this eye makeup tutorial. Using khaki colors, like this. Khaki color suits Japanese(Asian) people sdfjlait.... Say it right! SUITES WELL. So it is...
Korean finance minister Hyun Oh-seok has expressed concerns... over the recent weakening of the Japanese yen. Hyun's remarks came on Thursday after the government's first meeting of...
Hi, everyone~ Today, I want to show you how I clean my brushes with DAISO Sponge Detergent Firstly, take a dirty brush and run it under water. Pour about a teaspoonful of the product onto your hands...
hey guys so pretty much that and any and in uh... we conduct well eg planing ant outlined at the house and fellow at berklee or have infected acting it had quietly happened will play world i...
So this is the bookstore in uh, this is the bookstore in the Uwajimaya in Seattle. What's the name of the bookstore again? I forget. Kinokunya. Kinokunya. This is their manga section. [pause]...
G: So, Vocaloids. Lots and lots of Vocaloids albums. Like, physical albums that have been released. M: And Monster Hunter. G: And yeah, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd's soundtrack....
Hi guys welcome back to Mimeiku Today I'm going to try my hand at some cat makeup First we're going to use light beige (I said brown though, fail) and apply that as a kind of base...
Japanese writing system what's Hiragana,Katakana Kanji Japanese writing system Hiragana,Katakana,Kanji(Chinese character) Hiragana is one of the three major Japanese writing system. Hiragana...