London, Trafalger Square 7th August 2010 Thank you. Thanks for coming. It's about twenty years ago now that I began to understand not just the scale of paedophilia, and child abuse, and child...
Hello, my name’s Adrian Richards, I’m the surgical director of Aurora Clinics. My background is I’m a plastic surgeon and tend to specialise in cosmetic surgery nowadays. I talked in other videos...
According to the British " Daily Mail" reported on the 5th , before Christmas 2013 , a ship loaded with Russian missile warships and 50 km from the coast of Scotland, where a show of...



sometimes I love goes wrong sometimes it goes very very wrong and it did four towers Reynolds at the 26-year-old British woman who'd been dating for two years 24-year-old Stewart chopper made...
women in South West Columbia are holding of on fax until men in the area decide to fix the one row that they have it allows them to travel to civilization so this is a very remote part of Columbia the...
there is the first-ever Muslim sex shop in Turkey it's known as the whole all such shop ed in the first David opened it received thirty three thousand visitors which is insane supposedly...
somebody's moms internationally are taking multitasking to the next level there's a mom in China who is a recently stopped by police on a moped handle her hand on the handlebars...
so glad I'm black, so glad, I'm so glad I'm born black and I'll die black, I born African and I'll die African bbc guardian racist black0:00:07.029,0:00:11.809...
rupert murdoch is flexing his power by publishing photos of prince harry pat embracing his hairy november murdoch who had photos of you know prince harry out they say specifically showing his bottom...
Let's just pretend I uploaded this yesterday and move on, yeah? So as you've presumably noticed the world economy has been less than ideal of recent years. Times are tough, we are...