And let's begin by discussing how to maintain economic growth by controlling and eventually eliminating the problem of federal deficits. We have had a balanced budget only eight times in the...
is america going to hell of a hand basket blassie's a signature manicure client economy education health care consumer confidence and faith in our largest institutions but according to my next...
your sin. you have to make it clear. Who is it? I'm the son of the Emperor. Son of the King ... is Gi?! This is for the purpose of education starts from sitting on the floor -- education for...



Have you seen the baby?! No, I think he got outside! [zziiiippp] [deep voice] You fool... me...NOOOOO I am depressed. This does NOT help. [off screen] Hey Buddy! Look over here!...
now we told you about to Obama during a syndrome before thats were republicans blindly oppose anything the president Obama is doing well orrin Hatch really outdid himself this week let me quote...
Hey, my name is Raymok Ketema, and I live in Berkeley, California. Look at UC Berkeley, they're sitting up here protesting week after week because budget cuts have their tuition raising, like...



PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore. This is the second in our series of interviews with Bob Pollin about what would a new industrial policy look like for the...

