Here we go daddy! I'm ready! Everybody's ready! Head's tucked! ROOOOOOLLLLLL!!!! YAY! TheFunnyrats! I'm gonna get it! I'm gonna get it! I'm gonna get...
Speaker 1: All right. So Facebook is a huge part of flirting and dating. You can't get around it (?) place . . . Speaker 2: It's like a digital neighborhood. Speaker 1: Exactly, and...
Hey all, I'm Brooke Burgstahler here on The Hollywood Gossip. AND OMG TOTES BIG NEWS YA'LL. Khloe Kardashian has officially dropped hubby Lamar Odom's last name from her...



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With two sleeps until Christmas, although some may be on holiday or out shopping, the Auckland City Mission has been bombarded with people seeking assistance, and even some adoptive families....
Hi, this is Martin Shervington, and I'd like to show you had to create an event on Google plus. Either you can click on the event button here, Or you can click on the even button here. And the...
What are you doing? (Laughter). He was just in this basket. You crawling Bud? Are you stuck? I believe in you Buddy. Come on. Come on you can do it! Basket to basket. You got it Buddy. (Laughter)....
Hey guys. We're gonna take apart a TV because I have 3 of them that I need to take apart and they are all huge. Let's get inside this TV. Screws are undone. Let's play that...
I think one of the serious problems we have in why kids or adults are not engaged in science and engineering is— I really believe it has a lot to do with the way we as researchers express our ideas...
Everybody loves cream cheese icing. I'm a big fan of it. I really don't care for the buttercream but I really don't like any greasy flavors. I found my very favorite cream...