Do you want to know how to find more customers for your business? If so, you are not alone! Many entrepreneurs struggle to know how to find more customers, and build a list so that they can make a...
Hi There! This is Shep Hyken Customer Service and Experience Expert and on this video I'm sharing five ways to lose your customers. Want to lose your customer? Deliver a bad customer service...
people who ask how much the onigiri are during a 100yen sale how much is this? that's 100 yen. actually at the moment all the onigiri are 100... what about this one? that's 100yen too....



>> Dom Goucher: Hi everyone, and welcome to this week's special edition of PreneurCast with me Dom Goucher and him, Pete Williams. >> Pete Williams: Hi guys....
My name is Dan and I am from Whittier, California. I like Edison SmartConnect because it keeps me headed in the right direction. I am a pilot and the best part of that is I get a great bird's...
ROBERT: We're doing something that I don't see other insurers doing. Blue Cross and Blue Shield has made partnerships with other companies that want to make a difference and...
Hello there, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing, and it is Recon Thursday. Today I’m going to share with you a little encounter I had out in the actual market place recently...
We live in a digital age, where everyone believes that the digital communications, Facebook, social media, email can take the place of personal contact. It can't. I keep in touch with my...
david patten ngo david dot com welcome to the david packing for so much disgusted a the biggest music began paying any attention at all times this news related to the n_s_a_ glenn greenwald has a...
it's sts i think people are disputing is on at what's known in said that he you gotta watch is called radio it we didn't point that's cuz they wouldn't do it...

