AL HUNT, GUEST HOST: Joining me now from the Russell Rotunda is Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island, a ranking senior Democratic member of the Armed Services Committee. I am pleased to have him back on...
the Economist has named the South American country above Google I country above the year they say the accomplishments that deserve most common nation we think are path-breaking reforms that do not...
the Syria discussion continues now we have heard from Secretary of State John Carey that he is giving Bashar all Assad one week it is a second red line of sorts at least as it's being...
Alexey Vlasov, the editor-in chief of "Vestnik Kavkaza": Several hours ago deputies of both chambers of the Kazakh parliament adopted constitutional amendments, which enable to hold...
As-Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahu wa Barakatuhu. Audhu Billahi min al shaytan al rajim, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Assalatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammad Sayyidi l Awwalin wa l-Akhirin. Madad...
The person in the middle is Abdullah Gül, the President of Turkey. And surrounding him are the children of Erciş. They are asking him questions with a loud and strong voice, and without holding...
They worked in pursuit of a better tomorrow Through their efforts, they contributed to the lives of others They empowered others, creating new opportunities and hope. They spent their days for the...
Ankara Agreement Visa interview Yildiz Visa Limited Hello, my name is Ahmet Yildiz. I am an immigration adviser. In this section, I would like to give you information about interview process of Ankara...
From Rome to Ankara, Turkey, is less than 3 hours by jet plane. The capital city is prepared to write a new page in the history of the close friendship between Turkey and the United States. They have...