>> A new global inquiry showing people’s beliefs and values was recently published. Question number 42 in that inquiry was: how important is religion? And people who ticked the box...
We can reverse the order of the agenda through the force of circumstance and, so, this may actually turn out to be appropriate really in terms of the history, what happened. Georg Lukács was a...
welcome to the Mc Illhany report I'm Bill Mc Illhany on this show we cover current issues of the day but always from the viewpoint or perspective rarely aired by the mass media we hope...
» NEIL SMITH: One of the striking things for me always about that chapter was the extraordinarily precise mathematical logic of it. I mean, it comes closest to a mathematical dialectic. And sometimes...
Hi there. Different countries has different cultures. But what does that really mean? Well, from a Human Rights perspective, each country belong to the citizens of that country. And each culture...
The great thing about a cultural studies degree is that is gives you a range of theoretical and practical skills so you have a framework within which to work, and then you can move on from there with...
I have a number of different positions arising out of a Cultural Studies degree. I have worked for a youth media organisation, doing a number of roles from logistics, to eventually becoming...
Greetings and welcome back to the Bellicose nation. Well, well, well, Apparently another devout racist has been uncovered in our midst, and who knew it would be the sweet cooking lady paula Deen? And...
A key priority for President Park Geun-hye is creating jobs in industries that merge creativity with other fields. Today, our economics correspondent Kim Han-ul takes a closer look at other countries...