Kitty! Kitty! - Hello! - Hi... -What are you doing? - I'm playing... - Do you like this doll? -Yes, her name is Elizabeth... ... she's beautiful... Do you think I could do her hair a...
Captain! Oh, Captain, we are going to make it, aren't we? Of course we are. This here is the finest, most powerful boat on the river, <i>the Delta Belle.</i>...
Your Excellency. Welcome to Wickenberg, sir. Well, good morning, James. Hi, Artie. Anything happening? Oh, same old thing. Just a different town. Thank you. As I was saying, Colonel Pellargo, welcome...
Señor West? - Did they not tell you? - Tell me what? Captain Jackson. He's in the patio. He wish to speak with you. Muchas gracias. - Where's Jackson? - In the warehouse. Captain...
- Aunt Clare? It's Edoardo. - Dodo, how are you? - Fine. Is Sylvia there? - No. She's out. Ah well, it doesn't matter. Shall I have her call you? No, just tell her I'll...
If we understand that every time we pay for something, that's energy. Money represents energy, in one form or another. And where did that energy come from? What's driving the energy...
No way they're going to bring those automated vacuum loaders here. When they installed them on 14 and 23, they said it was temporary. Well, they're still there. Some temporary! Hand me...
We thank the 99% who have reminded everyone, everywhere, that we still know how to resist and we would like to tell people to, don't let up, to take the streets especially on May 1st, no work,...
Let's go. Help! You like to swim, eh? I slipped. Don't do it again, if you know what's good for you. Keep it nice and low, Monsieur Couteau. But I don't get it....
It's important we remember... Éthere are other ways of doing things. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interest. Perhaps...