Yonder rising from the mist of the loch, aye, the ruin of Macbeth’s castle. Or is it? Viola; the grand vineyards of Bordeaux. Or am I joking with you, mon cheri? Now ya’ll just know this is the...
In the last few lectures we were talking about the various cryptographic techniques and primitives some applications. Now today in this lecture we shall be talking about one most important application...
Hi, I’m Martin Smith and this is your UFX Markets Week in Review. Today, we will cover some of the major events of the past week and discuss how they impact the global currency markets. In the USA...
Most people have misunderstandings about how data breaches are discovered. So apart from leaving a file on a bus, or leaving a computer on a train, which at some point you would realize “Well, I left...
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Welcome to the Winter Weather briefing for the upcoming winter storm expected to impact the region Thursday January 10th through Saturday January 12th. If you have any questions or concerns, please...
If you are watching this after Monday, then you may wish to check the NWS webpage or call any of the Montana NWS offices for updates as conditions may have changed. A weather disturbance moving across...
The United States, one of Korea's largest trading partners, logged its biggest trade deficit with the country, according to a recent report issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Kim...
In terms of Safe Harbor, it's my understanding that it’s been confirmed on the European side and was confirmed at the US-EU Safe Harbor conference in Washington in March, that the safe harbor...
There has been a great deal of work on both side of the Atlantic on strengthening the protection that consumers have in this digital age and I think the dialogue that we have had has been extremely...