uh... let's go to a bill o'reilly uh... he's gonna get uh... while lawyers that's gonna represent on the night eleven uh... terrorist uh... ali all but all as these...



you know we've been getting on tim geithner throughout and and larry summers administered at and not a big fan of their work and uh... summit with rob our shoreline is they always said all we...



all right well we have the worst police catch ever and this police catch actually helps uh... law enforcement find them suspect that they were looking for uh... i've just uh... yet seriously...
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[Jason Handman] Good morning and welcome to another edition of Getting Legal with Tim Misny [Jason] Tim, back at the Diner on 55th Our favorite spot. [Tim] 55th and St. Claire [Jason] And for the last...
[Diffuse Axonal Injury] Diffuse axonal injury, or DAI, is caused by the combination of acceleration, deceleration, and contact forces. Unlike hematomas and hemorrhages, where the brain damage involves...
this is actually is a very good law on the books about foreign corruption and how we don't want to feed into it so if you give a bronco foreign official address serious consequences and were...
Hello. My name's Gordon Johnson. I'm not a doctor. I'm a lawyer. I've been writing about brain injury virtually my entire career as a personal injury lawyer. These...
Welcome and thank you for joining me. I'm Gerry Oginski, a New York medical malpractice and personal injury trial lawyer practicing law here in the state of New York. Today's topic is...
My name is Mildred Provenzano. I live in Staten Island, New York. The morning of February 2003, I believe it was about, about 5 years ago. After a couple of snowfalls on the ground, I left a condo to...