Ok I am going to draw something random. Hopefully its viewed very well. I have a lipsy thing because they put something in the back of my teeth,cause I have braces. I don't know what they put,...
Hi everybody. How y'all doing? My name is Lars-Erik Robinson, I'm with LarsEr Arts All Around Art-Tainment. Today we're going to talk about how to draw with color pencils. And...
Hi, I'm Matt Cail of homepaintings.biz and today I'm going to going to show you how to buy and store colored pencils for your artwork. First things first, what do you want to use your...
For the next step, I'd like to discuss why we're going to use blue lead in our mechanical pencil, as oppose to traditional graphite pencils. There are a number of properties that the...
One of the things about water color pencils depending on the affect that you want to accomplish, if you want to keep a delicate line that you are going to just pull some color out of with some water...
Hi this is Sue Rose with Expert Village and we're going to begin to use our painting using our aquarelle pencils this painting I'm using a persian blue and a light colbalt blue. And...
bjbjLULU In this video I am going to share a very effective training technique that I use in my classroom. It is a strategy tailored for novice artists and it will make you better at drawing what you...
bjbjLULU P#b7 This video will give you step by step instruction on how to draw Nicola Foti from the channel soundlyawake. But you dont even need to stay fully awake to successfully complete this...
Activity 2 is an activity in tone. Again I'm going to use a thick pen to draw my pencils that appear in your modelling workbook. These can be quite crude really. The objective of these three...
The width of the face (at eye level) should be 5 EYES WIDE The base of your nose is located down from the crossection about the same distance as one eye width Base of Nose = the space between your...