This photograph was captured by one of my good friends Travis Rathbone. He captured this actually while he was a student at Brooks. Great photograph! I love the details here. All right, well...
In this section on setting up Photoshop, we are going to cover setting up Color Settings inside of Photoshop, and in fact, this is something you really ought to do before you even open up an image. We...
Now we're going to look at how to visually resize a composition's pixel dimensions. Not its duration, its actual area. Now what we have here is an old public domain clip. This from the...
Miley Cyrus is one of our youngest, most famous, stars right now in the US. You can imagine I get a lot of pictures of Miley brought into the hair salon. Sp one of the things I notice is Miley looks...
Hey Guys, James Wedmore here with do a quick video for you. I'm doing some video editing for project working on this is actually footage of me doing a video series only...
Hi everyone it's April with Hair 101 and today we're going to do another chop chop on this beautiful long hair she's done this a few times she's a little bit nervous...
After Primary color correction is performed, you will often find that specific elements in a shot need personal attention. Color's Secondaries room enables fast and precise localized...
My beautiful model today, Katie, has struggled with acne throughout her life. She has a little bit of post-acne scarring and some marks on this side of her face. What I want to do is we're...