So... now we'll look at those optimal clusterings in more detail. We've finished looking at the original labels and comparing them with that, and we will do three clusters, which is...
Next, we're going to talk about local structure. Local structure though is tied to this small world phenomenon in this interesting way. Two people meet at a party. Within a minute,...
Hello, this is Geoffrey Fox. We're returning to our Big Data course where, remember, we're using clouds, we're running data analytics collaboratively, processing Big Data and...
Let's see how this substructure lemma naturally leads to a recursive search algorithm. The algorithm is recursive. I'm not going to bother to specify the base cases, which is when...
Let's now proceed to the final algorithm for the all pair shortest path problem, that we're going to discuss. It's called Johnson's algorithm, and the algorithm shows...
Configuring a cluster: first node, additional nodes, disaster recovery node. Using a disaster recovery node. The entire cluster appears as a single server to the user. But initially, each node is...
Welcome to this presentation about what’s new in Proxmox VE 3.2. I’m Katherine, a computerized voice. Let’s have a look together on some great new features we implemented into the new Proxmox VE 3.2....
Scale's perfect for server and desktop virtualization, archiving, video file streaming, Microsoft Exchange and virtually anything else your small business needs to run, and maximizes profits...
So now that I think we feel like we've got at least a decent understanding of MapReduce from a high level, some of you much... probably have been dealing with MapReduce before even this summer...
Thanks a lot. Hi everyone. Thanks for taking the time to come to my presentation. I'm Ankur Dave, an intern here at XCG. I'll be talking to you today about my project this summer,...