hey everyone finally bowing to fear around in nineteen they really can a coke and I gotta look beyond the pulpit today in preliminary Inc %uh be built operated by economic and/or tonight but...
(Julie Mizer) At the Attire for Hire Closet we try to help people in their career search to wear appropriate professional attire to their job interviews. And we know that sometimes people that have...
Hey Guys, Its Robyn Im gonna do a Haul/ All My reborn clothes video and im just gonna show you all my Brynn was getting a little fussy Arela's sitting in her seat over there taking a wee nap...
how does it feel to just rip someone's wifebeater off? give me your wifebeater you owe him a wifebeater i have plenty, no i have so many no, no, revenge, revenge revenge, revenge status,...
slow and against my channel and forty days and want to share with you mind star alright yes you were there and i think are dollar peace except for the past eyelashes lunchtime currently using right...
Hey guys, It's Alice and today I'm doing a Summer clothing haul for you. I know I've been gone for a long time, and I'm sorry about that, and I promise - I am back for...
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they are you guys doing today this is our Courtney come in TR Baltimore abercrombie clothing Maryland first I just want to thank you for tuning in um I just want to apologize for my video out front I...