Welcome to MMA Dawgs! My Name is Hector and this is my dawg, Dan. "Hi" and we are in Las Vegas, the home of the UFC and the mecca of MMA. In our opinion and we've talked...
( Joey Lynn ) Previously on "Brooklyn 11223"... I don't know if I can deal with it anymore, 'cause I'm already stressed out from the situation with my dad. My...
David: Republican Congressman Christopher Lee of New York resigned, and this is a hilarious story. It turns out that Gawker, the website Gawker, reported that, he's a married congressman, he...
ALEXIS: My favorite PromGirl experience was getting to see the city and going down to the really cool warehouse with all the cool dresses and meeting all these people in New York and just being able...
Featuring Night Moves style 6487 a baby doll prom dress with a jewel bodice. Available at promgirl.com. ILANA: Hi everyone and welcome to prom perfection I'm Ilana and...
Jiri Menzel aka TELEFILIA ...and who doesn't know them, it makes the work so easy for them they’re confusing higgledy-piggledy making crap they call it avant-garde or post-modernism or...
Previously on Call Me Fitz... Thanks to you, Edith Kinkman, president of the Coverton's Ladies Auxilary, the most powerful women's group in town, is dead. Think of the good times, like...

