Georgetown University is looking for positive and innovative, new professionals to join our hall director team. Folks that are dedicated to the Jesuit values of the institution, focused on building...
[MUSIC PLAYING] The difference between a great recipe and one that's full of mistakes is the difference between a delicious cake and a complete kitchen disaster. [MUSIC PLAYING] In the case of...
Doktor Qanta Ahmed. Jest pani muzułmanką. Czy uznałaby pani siebie - może, nie wiem - za syjonistkę? Powiedziałabym, że każdy, kto wierzy w prawo Izraela do istnienia, jest syjonistą. Według tej...



During my time at UB, I was a member of the Community Development Clinic, which is one of the several law clinics that the university offers to its law students. During my time in the clinic, one of...
The alumni network at the University of Baltimore is really great and very strong, especially in the Washington, D.C.- Baltimore area. I’ve been to a lot of the alumni networking events and it’s...
So have you ever wondered what the apex of the tooth is? Have you heard your dentist say that and you're just don't quite understand? Well my name is Michelle and I'm a dental...
[MUSIC] >> LOUISE: Basically it is about the different ways that we see the world and form opinions on things based on a number of factors. Based on like our own personal upbringing and...
It's useful to recall how isolated the US and Europe are. The non-aligned counties, which is most of the world, they have for years been vigorously supporting Iran's right to enrich...
now i'd like to address mister blitzer on these questions in just a moment and little bit you implied that Israel has the right to exist because of what happened to the jews during world war...
Cell junctions. Tight junctions create impermeable cell layers by binding cells closely preventing leakage. The tissues of the intestinal wall contain many tight junctions. When cells are not joined...