Christian conservative

Announcer: Welcome back to The David Pakman Show. David: We're back on the show. Make sure to sign up to become a David Pakman Show member at You get the...
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well i listened sent us the statehood i don't know if you needed to be able to see it well enough here and sent to us that for her the tony hi in areas where its so true love that raided this...
well linda senator saying which is that try to find a portal to the conservatives soul i wouldn't do that well wherever they are all swollen who wrote we are for the faster times that he has...
sis last conservative friends on facebook posting quotes the rather taken wildly out of context or completely fabricated crazy uncle posted in upton sinclair quote to support ron is this an a forty...
this is a disheartening story a couple different states have decided that they're going to bring back segregation this time is not based on race space on social orientation and this is no joke...
and that's out of that would get this in saying that push poll the lock up a call sir said danielle can take a minute and print the damn thing out for me conservative group hits claims about...
gonna come on your way to end my cabin Tonio still with us hey pad Tom how are you a great thank you for filling in for me for the first half hour choice fun II I so appreciate it so what it what is...
one of the other election results coming uh... yesterday was the unseating of richard lugar long-time center actually belong with serving republican senators are six terms in the u_s_ senate from...
here's a story rachel suggested couple pastors blamed wildfire wildfires in a conservative part of colorado on christian women who wear pants suits and hats abortion a same sex kiss and...