I'm here to tell you about trackdailydeal.com -- a site where people can track thousands of daily deals from hundreds of websites -- every day. If you've never heard of daily deals,...
Searching for music materials is often challenging due to the variety of languages involved. Should you search for works in the original composer’s language or by the titles in English? Lucky for...
This is a mummy of a young man named Herakleides. He died in Egypt in the first century A.D. when he was about 20 years old. Mummification was developed by the ancient Egyptians to preserve the body...
namo ratnatrayāya nama āryāvalokiteśvarāya bodhisattvāya mahāsattvāya mahākāruṇikāya mahāvīrāya sahasrākṣāya sahasraśīrṣāya sahasrapadāya sahasrajihvāya sahasrabhujāya ehi bhagavann āryāvalokiteśvara...
These are sounds from space detected by Voyager 1. An unexpected gift to scientists who are now certain they know where the probe is. The spacecraft is now the first human-made object to leave the...
>> Welcome and thank you for standing by. I'd like to inform all parties that the call is being recorded. If you have any objections, you may disconnect at this time. I would now...
Hi, This is Bob. I am presenting you Rosegarden and Qsynth in LinuxMint11. We are going to get Sound to work in Rosegarden and Qsynthesizer in this simple video tutorial. These are some basic...
Hello, today I wlll present you five wind instruments from China and here we go with a dizi flute on the dizi flute, you've got a bamboo membrane called dimo and the whole is called mokong...
The string orchestra has had a long journey, starting with the viol family. The viols were the earliest string instruments, soon to be replaced in the 17th century with what we basically know as, as...
The pagoda by night by TravelPod member katrinaoliver The drum tower by TravelPod member katrinaoliver The bell tower by TravelPod member katrinaoliver The bell in the bell tower by TravelPod member...