Hi everybody! Today let me present you this new fun nail art for haloween : the barbie nail art! First, start by appliying your base coat. Then apply on your entire nail a white base polish. This will...
Road signs are not helpful by TravelPod member leg5a "Circle-bone mushroom soup" by TravelPod member leg5a Hark! by TravelPod member leg5a Statue in a circular intersection by...
1 by TravelPod member ana.k 10 by TravelPod member ana.k 11 by TravelPod member ana.k 12 by TravelPod member ana.k 13 by TravelPod member ana.k 14 by TravelPod member ana.k 15 by TravelPod member...
Hello belezas Today I've got a new favourites video for you I'm sorry, this video is suuper late - as usual, But, unfortunately, I've a good excuse: One of my family members...
Hey everybody, this is Hannah from The Dalai Lama's Nails. I'm going to show you a tutorial for how to make these cool stripey nails today. Here's everything you'll...
aint life a living blessing and death is like a hater if we speaking in "just for instance" i try to keep cool stay calm and be persistent but lifes a hard obstacle i try to make it...
So you're looking for an antique bedroom set. And you're not quite sure what to get. I'm Blake Kennedy and I'm here at Patty and Friends Antique Mall. A lot of people...
So you're looking at some Victorian furniture and you're not quite sure what you have. I'm Blake Kennedy and I'm a certified appraiser. I'm here at Patty and...
(piano playing) Dr. Zucker: On May 13th in 1351 two vases and an incense burner were dedicated to a Daoist temple in China. Dr. Harris: By a man who had these made specifically for this purpose and...
Hi guys, today we're going to be working on this yellow and black bumblebee inspired water marble. And i'm going to be using a ton of yellow, and just a little bit of black for this...