[ambient sounds of the neighborhood] >>Lou: "First of all, I want to welcome you all. I'm Lou Host-Jablonski. I'm an architect; I work at Design Coalition....
We are here in Liepāja at Peter the Great house. Why is it called the Peter the Great house? Well it’s because Peter the Great actually stayed here in 1697 before he actually became Peter the Great....
01 - Snow!! by TravelPod member horizonbound 02 - Wonky wooden houses by TravelPod member horizonbound 03 - Another house by TravelPod member horizonbound 04 - View of the town from the old Fort by...



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Todd: Hello and welcome to Todd Miller TV. Joined here today with Oana and so, exciting news. So you have an investor. Oana: Yes. Todd: Actually a few investors who have made a guarantee that on any...
Luxury Portfolio International is proud to present this splendid property in Vero Beach, Florida. This is the family compound you've dreamed of with main home, guest house and amazing...
Cosy little Home with Oceanview Save $16,000 New Price: $259,000 Tucked away at the end of a cul-de-sac hides this charming little westcoast style 720sqf home with ocean view through the trees. Very...
Luxury Portfolio International is proud to present this spectacular home in Vero Beach, Florida. Attention to detail is evident in the beautiful finishes throughout this home. The stately fireplace in...
At Bay Hill, Florida golf resort guests can play a PGA tournament venue, practice at impeccable facilities, enjoy exceptional dining or simply relax. When you take advantage of this famous Orlando...