
Prof: The chronological end of the Old Testament, Hebrew Bible, takes place in the sixth century BCE that is in the 500s BCE. I say the chronological end of the text is that because that's...
Prof: Good morning. Well I think it is high time that you start thinking about your final paper. Let me just one more time tell you what my expectation is. Right? There are three major blocks in the...
Chapter 4 illuminati Identity Hello I'm Patric Macnee The Illuminati is said to be a global secret society that has been operating for centuries... A hidden brotherhood that includes some of...
[Music] [Closed Captions] [by] [King James Bible fot the Deaf] Hello folks, this is Pastor Mike Hoggard coming to you from Studio 2012 with another Watchman Video Broadcast. You know it dawned on me;...
>> From the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. >> John Cole: Good morning, good morning. Welcome, welcome to the National Book Festival. I'm John Cole....
Space platform By Murray Leinster 1 There wasn't anything underneath but clouds, and there wasn't anything overhead but sky. Joe Kenmore looked out the plane window past the...